Wednesday, September 22, 2010
So, What Did You Think?
Did you watch Detroit 1-8-7 last night? Guess what, I did! Yep that's right I watched the show. And, guess what else? I liked it!! That's right, I really did. I loved the writing, the acting, the set-up and I believe that i'm hooked. LOL! My revelation is significant because I was one of the early skeptics who had great reservations about a crime drama based on the city of Detroit called "Detroit 1-8-7." I thought that this would only serve to contribute to the already growing negative image that has plagued our city for far too long. I even wrote an earlier blog post expressing my concerns regarding the show entitled "Image is Everything" . Check it out and let me if you still agree with some of things that I said. But there were two things that happened that I believe has contributed to my change of heart; first I saw the 30min Special that Channel 7 filmed on the "Making of Detroit 1-8-7" and the second thing for me was the writing.
First off, when I saw the special that ran on Channel 7; giving viewers a behind the scenes look at the making of the show, I have to admit I was intrigued. I wanted to see what other Detroiters felt about the show, I wanted to know what kind of impact has the filming of the show in our city already made. And, so far so good. You can get a sense that those that are directly involved with the project understand the sensitivities of the people of Detroit, and they are trying their best to portray us in the best light possible. On the special that aired on Saturday right before the MSU v Notre Dame game (Go Spartans!), it showed how local area businesses are already benefiting from the taping of Detroit 1-8-7. From caterers to consultants, Detroiters are being used as extras, consultants, clothiers, production assistants and much more. So, at least from an economic stand point, this city should get a bit of an economic boost because of the filming of this show. It was also good to see how the city's leaders are beginning to change their opinion of the show as well.
Here's a clip from the behind the scenes taping of Detroit 1-8-7
So, you can get a sense of the optimism and the potential for this show to really do some great things. However, one thing I will point at as we've talked to people who are still critical of the show, let's be realistic in what our expecations are for this show. Some people I've spoken to want Detroit painted in a different light; a more positive light. And, from them I get the feeling that their looking for more of a "Norman Rockwell" painting when what we're use to seeing is more "Alfred Hitchcock-ish." And, it seems what some Detroiters are asking the show's producers to do is for art to NOT imitate life. They want art to be purely art thus qualing their concerns about image, but creating a fictious and phony depiction of our city in the process. But, art imitating life is the nature of Hollywood and it is also the nature of art itself. And, we should want to see the reality of our city fashioned and shaped through the lens of the small screen. Some Detroiters want a more sugar-coated, candy filled depiction of city which will allow them to digest the show a little better. But, the producers; I believe, are going to give us a mixture of positive as well as negative images and in that we will get a honest and true depiction of the city we call home.
The second thing that has helped to change my perception of the show is the writing. As a writer myself, I look for how well the script is written, the plot, the characters, and the story. All of these help make the show more believable to me. For me, the sucess of a show is determined by its writers. How well are the writers capturing the essence of their enviroment through the stories they choose for the show. And yes, yesterday there were some minor hiccups here or there. Some people made mention of the use of "soda" verses "pop" in some of the of the detectives conversations during the show. And, based their like or dislike of the show solely on the dialogue. I say, let's give it a chance. Yesterday, was just the pilot, which for the most part was filmed in Atlanta. But, all of the subsequent shows will be filmed directly in our city. Some chose to use that as a reason not to like the show as well, because they saw a few areas they didn't recognize. But, I say again, let's give the show a chance to develop. Let the characters, the stories, and the direction of the show grow and the develop. I strongly believe that the positive impact of this show for our city is limitless. I see more businesses, and local establishments possibly being featured in the show. More opportunites for Detroiters and even local Detroit celebs to get some cameos in this show. The possiblibities are endless.
Lastly, I believe that some of the criticisms that show has received from the public are largely based on the negative perceptions that have already plagued our city. And, they see this show as way to escape that reality for an hour once a week. But, that's not real change, that's television. Real change is rolling up your sleeves and gettng into the trenches to change the problems that will ultimatley change the negative perceptions of our city. So, let's not use this show as an escape from reality and nor should we use it an excuse not to deal with reality as well. However, we can use it a catalyst for change that can spark a movement that will bring REAL CHANGE to our city. Let's Go Detroit!
Your thoughts?
(P.S. dont' forget you can post your comments right to your facebook profile to start a discussion about the topic right from your Facebok page.)
Pastor Michael S. Nimmons
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Remembering 9-11
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Twin Towers In New York City |
I personally remember this day as extremely surreal, as it was only a few months after I had started working a new job as an Analyst for the State of Michigan. Working on the corner of WoodWard and the Boulevard in what was known as "The Labor" building. I remember listening to sports radio 1130AM "The Fan" while at my desk and as the show was wrapping up one of the host mentioned seeing a huge gaping whole in one on the Twin Towers on television.
And as I was listening I thought he was joking as I was use to hearing this particular radio show periodically practical joke their listeners. And, I thought this was just another one of their routines. But, then I heard him say he was serious and my curiosity got the best of me and I turned the radio to News Radio 950 AM only to hear a barrage of voices and interruptions from their CBS News affiliate breaking into their local news station to broadcast what had just happened in New York City. At the time it was believed to have been an accident or an isolated event that had taken place, where one plane had flew its way into one of the Trade Center Towers. But, what we later discovered that this was all apart of the plan from this mysterious group only known as Al Quaeda. The plan was for one plane to hit Trade Center Tower to capture the attention of the national and international media across the globe and then 15 mins later to capture the 2nd plan as it flew into the 2nd Tower.
I remember the feeling of tremendous fear that I felt after that 2nd plane flew into that 2nd Tower, and wondering to myself what was happening. Were we experiencing the beginning of the end? There was a tremendous amount of confusion not just around the country in the world, but right in our tiny little office where my co-workers were huddled around their radios trying to take in the gravity of what was happening in our country. Once it became clear that this was a terrorist attack on our country, I remember wondering how many cities were targeted for the attack and was Detroit one of the cities targeted. This was a legitimate question to ask especially given that Detroit is a border city with a bridge and tunnel to Canada; our neighbor, thus making us a target as well. The city was put on watch, our building along with other city, state and federal building were locked down due to security concerns. And, then after the 2nd plane flew into the Trade Center Tower, we continue hearing about planes flying into the Pentagon and then one going down in Pennsylvania. I remember just wondering when was this going to end and who was behind all of this? There was a great sense of uneasiness and worry that overcame everyone that watching these events unfold whether it was on television, radio or even first hand.
The events of this disastrous day that took place 10yrs ago have been en-grained in the minds of every American. The families of those whose lives were lost due to this enormous tragedy will never forget this day. Their lives have been forever changed by this. But, what did come of this was a resiliency and courage that has helped this nation pick up this pieces from this attack and helped us to regain our national natcomposure. The unity and solidarity that the people of this nation showed during this critical time demonstrated our national resolve. I've gained a greater respect for all areas of law enforcement, firefighters and the like who shouldered the burden of search and rescue and then recovery of the thousands of victims whose lives were lose due to this tragedy.
This picture above really illustrates the unity, strength and courage that was shown by those rescue workers, firefighters and other law enforcement personnel that contributed to the massive recover effort in what is now referred to as "Ground Zero." The unity that was shown here is an outward expression of the poetic words of John Donne; the poet, "No man is an island entire of himself. Every man is apart of the man. If a man dies it diminishes me for I am involved with mankind. Therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee." This disastrous event revealed a cosmic interdependence of the human spirit that says what happens to one happens to us all, what effects one effects us all. That this terrorist attack planned for New York & Washington, D.C. respectively effects everyone in this country and the rest of the world. And, the response to this disasterous event will be a collective not just from New Yorkers but from citizens from the entire world. A quote that I believe summed it up best came from President George W. Bush. During an impromptu speech at Ground Zero he said to a city and a nation of mourners, "I can hear you, the rest of the world can hear you and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all us soon." This spirit of unity and strength should be the prevailing themes that move our nation forward. What is unfortunate is that amidst the healing process that our nation has undergone and trying to build the bridge to emotional and spiritual recovery, we hear of more terrorist attacks and other acts of violence. We also hear expressions of hatred and intolerance towards the Islamic faith by other so-called Christians. Pastor Terry Jones, who pastors a small church in Florida planned to burn Qurans on this day in response to a plan to build a Islamic Mosque on the "Ground Zero"site in New York City. While the U.S. Constitution protects this act of "Free Speech" it paints a very bad picture of the Christian Faith, which is a faith deeply rooted in love and tolerance. I'm glad that this event was canceled. And, hopefully we as a nation can move on from this and continue in the healing process.
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Pastor Terry Jones |
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
That's Right! Young Apostolic Students for Christ starts back on this Monday, Sept 13th. And, we are looking for YOU, YOU and even YOU to join us for this powerful and anointed semester of teaching, fellowshiping and sharing the Word of God. This semester is going to be even more power packed. We are going to start off teaching a 5-6 weeks series entitled, "THE 67th Book!" This is going to be a life changing bible class. You definitely do not want to miss this series of lessons dealing with this subject. This is just a teaser, so we want go into the context or the background of the lesson in this blog, but we are extremely excited about what God is going to do through this campus ministry this year.
For the benefit of those who might have not ever heard of the acronym YASC before or the campus ministry, allow me to give you a little bit of background in this blog post. Young Apostolic Student For Christs is a campus ministry that started back in the late 80's early 90's at Michigan State University. A group of college students got together and wanted to develop a bible class as a home away from home campus ministry. Under the guidance of Bishop Ira Combs; pastor of Greater BibleWay Temple (GBWT) in Jackson, MI, this campus ministry was created under the auspices of his leadership and tutelidge.
To learn more about this campus ministry's humble beginnings check out this video right here;
Click here for more from the YASC Documentary
Back in April of 2009, YASC at Wayne State University was started, and God began to do a tremendous work right from the very start. Here's a video excerpt from one of our earlier lessons on "Understanding the Textbook."
YASC is one of 300 ministries at Greater Grace Temple, where our pastor is Bishop Charles H. Ellis III. 17 souls were saved during our first year of YASC at WSU and we're believing God for many more souls to come into the kingdom through this powerful and anointed campus ministry. YASC meets every Monday from 7-9pm on the campus of Wayne State University in State Hall in Room 116. Each week God truly meets us as we teach His Word and endeavor to empower and equip today's young people with necessary spiritual weapons to fight against our adversary the devil. (St. John 10:10) This year we have got a lot exciting things in store for YASC and we're constantly looking for new ways to reach even more young people. One thing we're excited about is we plan to stream our YASC Bible Classes through our website Keep your eyes and ears opened for more details about this new development in the ministry.
Again, we are endeavoring to reach this generation of young people "By Any Means Necessary." And, we are attempting to use every area of technology possible to do just that.
I pray that you will be able to share in what God is doing through this campus ministry. We will be periodically sharing with you the Praise Reports and the Great Things that God is doing for us and through us. We are inviting you to come out and share in what God is doing. For more information about this awesome campus ministry feel free to e-mail us at and we'd be more than happy to give you all the details.
Keep us in your prayers as we continue this work for the lord!
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