Niki Minja's alter ego "Barbie" |
Beginning with the obvious, which is the over-sexual-ization of today's female celebrities. We as consumers are constantly inundated with every aspect of the the female physique in commercials, videos, movies, and the like as a method of advertisement. Many times the products and goods are being sold solely based upon the sex-iness of the spokes model advertising the product. Everything from music to malt liquor, from cars to Couvisseur, woman are consistently used as tools to sell other goods and it seems that this practice is increasing in this day and time. And, unfortunately the message that is consistently being sent to the youth of today is that "Sex Sales," and this is a misnomer that I believe is a driving force behind the rising criminal behavior in our young men. "If all women have to offer is their bodies, then if I can take that then I've taken everything that they have to offer." And, I know some would say this is weird coming from a man, you should be happy to see the female body on display everywhere you go? As a man, you should welcome this new form of advertisement. Not so! Why, because I believe this marketing practice is undervaluing and undermining today's women by objectifying and sexual-izing them. And, this certainly is not what God had originally intended for the woman to be marketed and packaged for, objects to be lusted after and fought over.
Mariah Carey & Niki Minaj |
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Sarah Palin |
But, as bad as this objectification and sexual-ization may be, this is only one small part of the problem and it is one that goes far deeper than what is seen on the surface. What we discovered through various outlets of research concerning the occult, freemasonry and the Illuminati, is a concept called "Mind Control." Which, according to the "" is a common practice in the music industry, and in Hollywood. According to Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D., The Relationship Between Mind Control Programming and Ritual Abuse (source used by the she states regarding mind control or "Monarch Programming," that it is...
“Trauma-based mind control programming can be defined as systematic torture that blocks the victim’s capacity for conscious processing (through pain, terror, drugs, illusion, sensory deprivation, sensory over-stimulation, oxygen deprivation, cold, heat, spinning, brain stimulation, and often, near-death), and then employs suggestion and/or classical and operant
This disassociation that is produced as a result of this systematic trauma based torture is a separation from reality, creating an alter ego that the subject can now relate to and find comfort in being. It is not coincidental that we've seen the advent of these "alter-egos" in today's music industry; Beyonce- Sasha Fierce, Niki Minaj - Barbie, etc. This disassociated state is actually an escape from reality, where they are under the complete auspices of this alter ego, and thereby their original handler as well. It's important to note, the "handler" in all of this because each of these subjects has a "handler" who is ultimately responsible for their persona. And, their alter-ego is only acting in accordance to the instructions that have been administered via mind control by their handler. This handler, which is often times never seen and never heard from, you can see the examples of the handiwork as well as their rationale reflected in their chosen subjects.
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Cover of Niki Minaj latest album |
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Niki Minaj |
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Beyonce & Sasha Fierce Lady Gaga |
Looking at God's original intention for mankind our value far exceeded anything we might have possessed on the surface. Everything in the word of God speaks to our infinite value to God; who is our Father and our Creator. And, this is a running theme throughout the entire Word of God. In fact, King Solomon when speaking of the inevitable courtship between a man and a woman in Proverbs 31:10, he ask the question, "Who can find a virtuous woman?" This scripture first indicates the appropriate characterization of a woman according to the Word of God, which is a "virtuous woman," not a video vixen, a barbie doll, or even a sex object. This characterization explicitly suggests that this kind of woman has a wealth of value to offer her aspiring mate. So much so, that King Solomon interjects the word "find" in this verse, which means that this type of woman must be sought after. You can just find this type of woman anywhere. She can't be found on the "Jersey Shore" MTV Reality Show, or on the latest cycle of BET music videos. This scripture also speaks to the character of the seeker as well. Because in order to find someone virtuous, you would have to know it when you see it. So, the man; who's seeking a virtuous woman, in knowing what virtue looks like must also be able to identify with it as well. He must possess the same qualities he-himself is looking for in a mate. However, the caveat in all of this is both the "seeker" and the "sought after" are flawed, because of sin. So, virtue may or may not be identifiable by the "seeker" or completely possessed by the "sought after". This is why God has be enlisted in this search, because only He is able to rightfully match the right man for the right woman. "Who can find...only God can find a virtuous woman, so we-men should consult God when we're ready to look for Ms. Right
So, my question to my females readers is simple, which kind of woman would you like to be? One that is objectified and sexual-ized by society; manipulated and man-handled for profit. Or would you rather be one that is adored and sought after by the right suitor; the one that God has rightfully suited especially for you. It's interesting that the artist; who's song I chose to title this blog, obviously didn't even know her own worth, because she looked for her value from someone who was already taken. Consequently, this says more about her personal insecurities than his martial infidelity.
Ladies, how valuable are you?
Pastor Nimmons
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